From 0 to 100 miles

Well yesterday I posted on Facebook that I signed up for the St. Mary’s Century. I am not sure what I was thinking at the time, but I have already committed to riding, so now I have to start training. Here is the problem, my bike is gear toward off-road riding and I have not […]

Garden Update

Well, about a month ago I planted some vegetables – for the first time. I planted 8 bell peppers, 4 cucumber, 4 green zucchini and 6 tomato plants. I am using the side of my house and build a raised bed to put everything in. But I had a problem, I think I put to […]

Requirements Gathering

Well on January 29, 2011, we sat down with 9 of the 18 non-profits that are requesting help from this years givecamp. I’ll be posting the video on youtube. Once I finish uploading them, the nonprofit well be linked to the appropriate video(please continue to check because each of these videos is taking 2+ hours […]

POSSIBLE Date change for SoMDGC ’11

    In an attempt to find the “perfect” weekend for our second annual givecamp we may have over looking the possibility that the College would have wanted the same weekend for an event they are hosting. Well it’s happen; before our event could be approved another request was accepted during the same weekend. The individuals […]

Southern Maryland GiveCamp 11 – Charity Possible Selections

On December 8th, 2010 the Southern Maryland Give Camp Committee gathered in a coffee shop and talked about the non-profits that are requesting our services this time. I would like to take this time to see if there is an organization that can help out “The Diaper Drive”. This non-profit did request help from us; however, they […]

Southern Maryland GiveCamp ’11

It’s December 1st and, I hope, everyone is getting into the Holiday spirit. I have been working hard at getting my outdoor Christmas decorations up and working and this as really put me, yes me, in a good mood. Today is also the day we start reviewing the application that we received for our 2nd annual […]

Southern Maryland Give Camp 2011

  A month ago we started accepting applications from non-profits that would like our help at the 2nd annual SoMDGC and I am pleased to report that we currently have 5 applications. This is about where we were last year so I am not stress to much about it. The really exciting part is that […]

This summer

This summer it is my “plan” to get some of the training provided to me done. I also found out today that one of the benefits of my company 24/7 e-reading material(5 chapters a month) and some of them are in an MP3 format, which is nice cause I can’t read. June is fast approaching […]

Give Camp Thank You

Well we had our lessons learned meeting last night (March 30, 2010), with the volunteers invited, nothing personal NPO’s, I was trying to make sure the the volunteers could speak technical. I am going to transcribe the lessons learned and post it into a wiki on our website, hopefully by the end of the week. […]

HOA Meeting

On Thursday March 25, 2010 our BOD had their community meeting. Big deal, right; well right. You see, members of this current board were part of a smear campaign against the original BOD; which I am proud to say I was President of. The current members would walk around to the neighbors and make comments […]