In an attempt to find the “perfect” weekend for our second annual givecamp we may have over looking the possibility that the College would have wanted the same weekend for an event they are hosting. Well it’s happen; before our event could be approved another request was accepted during the same weekend. The individuals who are responsible for the scheduling said that it would be extremely difficult to hold both of the events during the same weekend and have asked that we delay our event by a single week. Instead of March 25; would there be any objection to holding our event the first weekend in April.
   By doing so we get an extra week to finalize all those little things. It would also put us a week closer to Mix ’11. What does this mean? Well what ever we do to Andrew, it would be likely that it will stick during the Mix event.
    Please reply and let me know if you have an objection. If I don’t receive a reply I have to assume that you have no objection. I need a reply no later then January 22, 2011.

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