Continue Learning, even if you are not currently using it

Recently I attended the NoVACC and I got into a conversation with a fellow technologist. During this conversation I express my concern that technology was passing me faster then I learn or use it (I work in an office that is still using Windows XP, Visual Studio 2008, IIS 6). He asked, “ Then why […]

Code I am asked to refactor

So how many times have you heard this question ” Can you help me? ” I was asked recently to help on a project that is to be turned over to the client by the end of October. My tasking was to take this page and make it cleaner, add an email process and add […]

Starting the journey?

A few months ago I was part of a Twitter debate over certifications (ie: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Microsoft Certified IT Professional MCITP), or Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)) I argued that these Certifications were extremely valuable to an individual starting out or right out of college, but someone with 10 plus years should not […]

Continued Issues

If you have read any of my prior posted, you are aware that I have the “honor” of developing software using a product from Sybase known as PowerBuilder. Around the beginning of July I found out that I was getting a newer machine, still using Windows XP SP3, but I would get Windows Office 2007 […]

Nice Visual Studio 2010 Extension

Are you a presenter at user groups or code camp? Are you writing code during your presentation – you should be? As developers we practice writing the code, making sure that code we write is correct and once we have it right we’ll copy it and put it in a separate file that we’ll open […]

CMS compare

First I am going to say that I have very little experience working with the Content Management Systems that I am going to be testing. I was the coordinator of the Southern Maryland Give Camp, during this event I STRONGLY that the developers used one of the CMS’ available. The two that I recommended were […]

Save the Web Form and still separate concern

This afternoon I was listening to one of my “Geek Idols” Scott Hanselman (twitter @shanselman) who hosts a weekly talk show about technology at This weeks topic was “A different way to do ASP.NET WebForms with WebFormsMVP” and I got to thinking, this is not new – I have been doing this kind of […]

Continue to learn

Have you ever felt like Forrest Gump at a Mensa conversion? I know I have, many times, mostly when I attend these day long training sessions known as “Code Camp”. I remember attending my first code camp in Richmond, VA – I want to say it was the Spring of 2004. When I was done […]

Tasking Client/Server to .NET

On August 10th, 1998, I was hired as a Senior Developer for CDSI. My tasking was to build and maintain a GOT’s program that would help the Comptrollers Office spread their budget down to a very specific level. To do this we had a team of three and I was the newest member on the […]

Microsoft E Learning Part III

Ok, so today’s lesson is “Implementing Personalization, Common Layout, and Themes in ASP.NET 3.5”. I know, I know – this technology has been around for some time, why is it now that I am just getting around to learning this? Good question and one that I hope can be answered quickly, I work in a […]