Have you ever felt like Forrest Gump at a Mensa conversion? I know I have, many times, mostly when I attend these day long training sessions known as “Code Camp”. I remember attending my first code camp in Richmond, VA – I want to say it was the Spring of 2004. When I was done with that day my head was spinning, I realized that there was so much that I did not know about the technology that I was working in I was almost afraid to go back to work because of how little I knew.

Since my first “Code Camp” I have attended 2 more in Richmond, 1 in Reston, and another in Central Maryland – two of them even made the mistake of letting me speak, yep Forrest was up there talking and people were listening. I had submitted my application to speak at this springs Richmond Code Camp, but I had to pull out because I have a DJ gig that day.

The point I am trying to make is a simple one; The only time you’ll know nothing is when you stop learning.When you learn something let others know what you have learned. Pick up a book and read it, read a blog, write a blog, attend user groups or even the “Code Camps”.

So why am I writing this; good question and the truth is I have been posting blogs lately about the Microsoft E-Learning course I have been taking. In general I have been reviewing them with my opinion. I also blog about the upcoming GiveCamp that I am trying to put together. Once these events and trainings are complete I am going to start blogging more about the work that I do. I understand that most of what I am going to write about has already been written, and to be honest that is why I have been hesitant about writing a blog anyway. But I now believe that I am not going to get better at what I do until I share what I have done. By sharing this I can receive input from others who are better then I am. They can, if the choose, guide me to a better solution and if I am lucky I might help someone else, someone who might feel like Forrest Gump.

0 Responses

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. 1) You can clearly understand what you've learned when you can track that knowledge by logging in in your own words(what better why than by blogging about it); 2)When you feel like you're putting it out there for an audience you are more determined to really think about what you've learned and how it works/how it's impacted your style of developing or thought processes; 3) Putting it out for public consumption means that you truly want feedback and are seriously hoping that it will be a give and take relationship with your readers, which is a truly generous thing.

    Regarding speaking engagements, I've been told in the past that you don't have to know everything, but that you just need to know more than everyone in the room. (?) That's fine when you're talking about cutting edge technology but doesn't fare well when you're talking to developers at varying degrees of experience and different levels of knowledge. But, that's the only advice I've ever received. The only thing I've ever done at any techie engagement was to immediately make it a level playing field by asking for and finding (and starting the talk) with the least common denominator – making all the developers feel welcome by bringing the "newbies" very quickly up to speed and at the same time "refreshing" the memories of the the medium levels, (and preparing them for the leap they're about to make) and pumping up the ego's of the highly skilled before they take off into the new world of kung-foo techniques they're about to learn). At any rate, not to be a hog of a blog, I just wanted to take the time out to encourage your efforts, Forest. Proud of you for putting yourself out there like this. Hope your readers join in on the fun.

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