If you have read any of my prior posted, you are aware that I have the “honor” of developing software using a product from Sybase known as PowerBuilder. Around the beginning of July I found out that I was getting a newer machine, still using Windows XP SP3, but I would get Windows Office 2007 pre-installed. Because I was getting a newer machine, this also meant that I had to re-install all of my development tools. About this time I also found out that Sybase as placed an “end-of-life” of PowerBuilder 11.5, which means that I must upgrade to PowerBuilder 12. This is a good thing, cause PB 12 now has intelisense and intergrates with Visual Studio 2008 SP1, but this is also where the problem comes into play. When I try and install the SP1 I continue to get an error, so I placed a troubleshooting call into Microsoft and was given the following information:

Thanks for your email.
In researching the error, log file and log files from uploaded test results, the install is failing with Microsoft office update Which is used in the tools of Visual Studio.

There are many blogs out there for this issue, from adjusting the registry to uninstalling office and reinstalling after Visual Studio SP1 is installed.

Error code 0x80070643 is a failure with Windows Update not completing a file download and not with the service pack itself.

Please clear out the %temp% folder: start>run %temp% and delete as many temp files as possible or all prior to install.
Download a fresh copy of VS90sp1.

Error 0x643

Please first ensure that the windows Installer service is running:

XP: Start –> Run –> “net start msiserver” –> [Enter]

If that doesn’t work for some reason, the second way is with Windows Services Manager

a) XP: Start –> Run –> “services.msc” [Enter]

b) Scroll down and find “Windows Installer”

c) Right click on it and choose “Properties”

d) On the properties page, make sure the “Startup type” is set for “Automatic”

e) Confirm the “Service Status” is “Started”

f) Click “OK”

Then, once the Windows installer service is running, please attempt to download a fresh copy

Awesome, I now have something in place that I can use – WRONG. It seems that we are unable to un-install the Windows Office 2007 because of the way it was bundles and shipped. So I am unable to install PowerBuilder 12 because SP1 is needed. I am also unable to use PowerBuilder 11.5 because of the “end-f-life” tag that was placed on it. So if you have any suggestions on how I can install SP1 please let me know, I NEED MAJOR HELP.

0 Responses

  1. Bruce…I can't install PB 12 because it needs VS 2008 SP1, right?

    We recieved an email from a Sybase sales rep stating that 11.5 has been marked "end-of-life" this month, with that info the "power-that-be" removed from of list and will not put it back on

  2. Hi Jim –

    Bruce is right – 11.5 is NOT end of life – it's 11.x (11.0 through 11.2. The 11.5 release is a separate code line.)

    I will make sure to clarify this with our internal sales folks.

    On aother note you and I emailed on a previous issue but I can't find the thread and I know it was't resolved, email me separately if it's still a problem at sue dot dunnell at sybase dot com.



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