Ok, so today’s lesson is “Implementing Personalization, Common Layout, and Themes in ASP.NET 3.5”. I know, I know – this technology has been around for some time, why is it now that I am just getting around to learning this? Good question and one that I hope can be answered quickly, I work in a government building and the development that we do can have zero flare, it must have standard colors and standard fonts. For this reason, going out on the own and learning this seemed like a waste of time and effort. That being said, I still work for them but I know that I need to expand my knowledge base, so here I go.

I did like this course, and what I like was that they were not trying to show me how to create skins or themes, or even the Master Pages. What they did show was something that we has developers do, we implement them, we use them and it showed us how to use them properly. This course was nicely set up with good information. The videos that they did show were informative and engaging. I enjoyed the lab at the end, but anytime you let a developer play with code, we are going to be generally happy.

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