Northern Virginia Code Camp

I had the privilege yesterday(Dec 11, 2010) and attended the Northern Virginia Code Camp, or #NoVACC on twitter. While my focus today was on the MVC – with a session on Blend – the part the of this event that I’ll remember most is the charity that the Northern Virginia Code Camp sponsored – “Teardrops […]

Central Maryland Code Camp

I would like to take a moment and thank everyone that organized the CMAPCC. The amount of work involved in putting together one of these event has not gone unnoticed, your group did a great job. During this Code Camp I had the honor to give a presentation on using the Extensions Manager for Visual […]

Central Maryland Code Camp

The code we did during our session:

Save the Web Form and still separate concern

This afternoon I was listening to one of my “Geek Idols” Scott Hanselman (twitter @shanselman) who hosts a weekly talk show about technology at This weeks topic was “A different way to do ASP.NET WebForms with WebFormsMVP” and I got to thinking, this is not new – I have been doing this kind of […]

Continue to learn

Have you ever felt like Forrest Gump at a Mensa conversion? I know I have, many times, mostly when I attend these day long training sessions known as “Code Camp”. I remember attending my first code camp in Richmond, VA – I want to say it was the Spring of 2004. When I was done […]

Central Maryland Code Camp

The 2009 Central Maryland Code Camp is going to be held on November 7th, 2009 at the Loyola University. If you have never been to a code camp, I would recommend going. Most of the speakers are excellent, and sometimes they make a mistake and let me talk. But to be honest; that is what […]

Richmond Code Camp

The week of August 16, 2009 I found out that I was selected to speak at the Richmond code camp on October 3, 2009. I am going to be speaking on “Getting away from the drop & drag data controls”. My goal is to teach people how to modularize their code.