Continue Learning, even if you are not currently using it

Recently I attended the NoVACC and I got into a conversation with a fellow technologist. During this conversation I express my concern that technology was passing me faster then I learn or use it (I work in an office that is still using Windows XP, Visual Studio 2008, IIS 6). He asked, “ Then why […]

Populating ListControls

I was reviewing some code that I had written some time ago and had every intension of going back and refactoring. The code in question looks like this: Drop Down List Populator private void BuildLists() {    BuildReferenceDropDownList(ddlLocation, ReferenceType.Location);    BuildReferenceDropDownList(ddlBeltType, ReferenceType.BeltType);    BuildReferenceDropDownList(ddlBusinessUnit, ReferenceType.BusinessUnit);    BuildReferenceDropDownList(ddlAgency, ReferenceType.Agency);    BuildReferenceDropDownList(ddlOrganization, ReferenceType.Organization);    }    private void BuildReferenceDropDownList(DropDownList ddl, ReferenceType referenceType) […]

Starting the journey?

A few months ago I was part of a Twitter debate over certifications (ie: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Microsoft Certified IT Professional MCITP), or Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)) I argued that these Certifications were extremely valuable to an individual starting out or right out of college, but someone with 10 plus years should not […]

Nice Visual Studio 2010 Extension

Are you a presenter at user groups or code camp? Are you writing code during your presentation – you should be? As developers we practice writing the code, making sure that code we write is correct and once we have it right we’ll copy it and put it in a separate file that we’ll open […]

Windows Phone 7

Last week I downloaded and started to play around with Windows Phone 7. I made the mistake of saying that I would give a presentation to the Southern Maryland .NET User Group on mobile development and more specifically, Windows Phone 7. So I downloaded the CTP and just started to try and figure it out, […]

CMS compare

First I am going to say that I have very little experience working with the Content Management Systems that I am going to be testing. I was the coordinator of the Southern Maryland Give Camp, during this event I STRONGLY that the developers used one of the CMS’ available. The two that I recommended were […]

Microsoft E Learning IV

So today I have chosen Course 6672: Working with Data Binding in Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 Applications. This course was “OK” at best. For some reason the training sessions still want everyone to place the datasourceobject directly on the markup page itself. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t grasp the reasoning why we, as developers, […]

Microsoft E Learning Part III

Ok, so today’s lesson is “Implementing Personalization, Common Layout, and Themes in ASP.NET 3.5”. I know, I know – this technology has been around for some time, why is it now that I am just getting around to learning this? Good question and one that I hope can be answered quickly, I work in a […]

Microsoft E Learning

Alright, I just found out this week that part of my MSDN subscription volume licensing allows me to take E-Learning course from Microsoft. I selected the Course Collection that I wanted to take and after a few phone calls, found out that the collection I selected was not one of the available “Free” collections. I […]

T – 5 weeks and counting

During the past week we got slammed hard by over 18” of snow. That might not sound to bad, but that on top of the 28” we got the week before and you can understand why so many people in the Southern Maryland area was going crazy with cabin fever. So about the GiveCamp, as […]