Printing Data-Windows using PowerBuilder as a Web Application!

With the assistance of Sybase, we were able to resolve one of the two issues I have been having in converting this application over from a client/server application to a .net web application, and that is the print issue. I am writing this because after months of researching I found nothing online to help me, […]

Converting my PowerBuilder app to .Net

A couple of posts again I blogged about, in my opinion, some advantages in using the Visual Studio over PowerBuilder’s IDE. First let my state that I don’t hate PowerBuilder, I worked with this IDE for over 10 years . Let me explain why I angry with Sybase and PowerBuilder in general. Has I stated […]

Tasking Client/Server to .NET

On August 10th, 1998, I was hired as a Senior Developer for CDSI. My tasking was to build and maintain a GOT’s program that would help the Comptrollers Office spread their budget down to a very specific level. To do this we had a team of three and I was the newest member on the […]

Creating the Model

As I embark on the task of converting the Powerbuilder Application to Visual Studio, I follow the usual steps I take when creating a new application. The first step is to create the database, but since this is an existing application, that step has already been taken care of. However, there is a challenge – […]

Converting Powerbuilder to .NET

PowerBuilder 11.x has a fantastic feature, it allows PowerBuilder developers to deploy their old applications into .NET 2.0 framework applications – either windows based or web based. There is one small problem with this “feature”, the code you are writing is still Sybase code. A major disadvantage, I believe, is that the code generated by […]