A couple of posts again I blogged about, in my opinion, some advantages in using the Visual Studio over PowerBuilder’s IDE. First let my state that I don’t hate PowerBuilder, I worked with this IDE for over 10 years . Let me explain why I angry with Sybase and PowerBuilder in general.

Has I stated in an earlier post I am converting a VERY OLD PB app into a new Web Application using PowerBuilder 11.5. During this conversion everything went great, except a few of the screen were not displaying data. It was not that the data was different, it was not showing up on the monitor. I did not understand what happen, the application was not failing, I did not receive a comply or run time error. Come to find out, it has to do with how the objects on the page are being layers, the group box had been brought to the front. So on May 12th I posted the following Newsgroup post:

I have some windows that are not converting to a web app correctly. After looking at the pages it looks like the group box on the screen is not defaulting to be behind the tab controls. IS there a way to set this so the group boxes are behind the tabs?

To me, this seems like a start forward question, I wanted to know if group box had a property of BringToFront so I could set it to false. (I did look but could not find anything). As of today(May 15th) no answer.

As I waited for an answer I continued; I figured the next best thing would be to set the visible property to false. Simple enough, only now I can’t update any of the datawindows. I get the following error:


I posted again: Just a simple question:

Has anyone gotten this error before?

No Answer.

Are these easy questions, maybe, but when you are “under the gun” you don’t have time to waste. I am just a team of one so I can’t ask questions in the office. I need to rely on the on-line community for answers, and I just don’t feel like I am getting that. When I use the VS IDE, there are other in the office using this and if they don’t have the answer I go to my on-line community and get the answer.

Could it be that I feel this way because of so few people – in my general area – that us this and I can’t just walk up and ask questions. If I were to be honest, that is a strong possibility.

Let me end this BLOG on a positive note for Sybase and PowerBuilder. Had they not release this version, which takes the code and converts it to C#, the time it would have taken to convert this application to the web would have taken about 3 years, with this tool only about 6 months – so far. This is a huge time saver if you have large projects that were done in PowerBuilder and you now HAVE to convert to the web.

One Response

  1. Well, my answers to your questions would have been:

    a) I haven't seen that problem


    b) I've never seen that error message.

    There's not much to go on besides that. As a result, I didn't respond at all.

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