Central Maryland Code Camp

I would like to take a moment and thank everyone that organized the CMAPCC. The amount of work involved in putting together one of these event has not gone unnoticed, your group did a great job. During this Code Camp I had the honor to give a presentation on using the Extensions Manager for Visual […]

Nice Visual Studio 2010 Extension

Are you a presenter at user groups or code camp? Are you writing code during your presentation – you should be? As developers we practice writing the code, making sure that code we write is correct and once we have it right we’ll copy it and put it in a separate file that we’ll open […]

Windows Phone 7

Last week I downloaded and started to play around with Windows Phone 7. I made the mistake of saying that I would give a presentation to the Southern Maryland .NET User Group on mobile development and more specifically, Windows Phone 7. So I downloaded the CTP and just started to try and figure it out, […]

T – 5 weeks and counting

During the past week we got slammed hard by over 18” of snow. That might not sound to bad, but that on top of the 28” we got the week before and you can understand why so many people in the Southern Maryland area was going crazy with cabin fever. So about the GiveCamp, as […]