logo2_color Well, we are 3 weeks away and I am starting to get REALLY worried. At the point that I wrote this, we have 72 volunteers and we need 28 more technical volunteers in order to have 3 developers on each project. We have swag that each volunteer is going to be receiving, and I have paid all invoices that I have received. The grant application has been finished, so now we should be getting additional money for the event. With this money we are going to be able to purchase coffee makers, ice tea makers, and some VERY nice give away items on Sunday. I am still working on Friday night dinner and Sunday lunch, but just what we are going to have, we have the funding for them. I am planning on a conference call on Tuesday with the developers that we have signed up and I am placing individuals with their respective teams.
I am also planning on re-writing the application and I might put it up on codeplex so all the new givecamps that are starting up have a nice baseline. The Cleveland Code camp has do one in the ASP MVC framework but I want to use the new WebFormsMVP I heard about on Scott Hanselman’s podcast (www.hansalminutes.com). Naturally I am going to wait for this event to finish first, but before we do this again next year I wan this done.
Well, til next week, enjoy.

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