Well, here we are just 13 days away from the second annual Southern Maryland Givecamp. Even though we don’t have the number of volunteers that we had last year, I just know that this years event is going to be better then last years.

So why are we not getting as many people this year? Good question, and if I had to guess – this is completely a guess – I would say that people wanted to participate in the inaugural event because there was nothing like it on the east coast. Now the east coast has at least 7 givecamps, and this is a very good thing in one aspect but bad in another. On the good side – local charities in that region are getting technical help that they normally would not have received. On the bad side, and more selfish side, the technical community how has a choice, travel to Southern Maryland or find something closer to home. (and if I were being completely honest, I would have chosen closer to home also). I am extremely grateful to the individuals that are still willing to travel 2+ hours to participate, you are a special group of individuals. This does not mean that the people that live closer are not special, because you are. 

So why do I believe that this year is going to be better then last year. This years volunteers, most of them returning volunteers, already have a baseline of how their project is going to go. We are speaking with the individuals in charge of the wireless pipeline and we are more knowledgeable about the CMS we are going to use.

So, though I may not get my head shaved this year, the most important part of the weekend will take place – helping those organizations that help other people everyday and don’t make money doing so.

I look forward to seeing everyone in two weeks, if you are unable to attend, please send me an email and we hope to see you next year. If you would like to volunteer please goto: www.somdgc.org/volunteers.aspx

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