After prayer and a long thought about whether or not I should host a GiveCamp in the Southern Maryland area I decided to go forward with the event. I am beginning to think that this was a mistake. Not because of the amount of work involved but because I am feeling like there is little interest. The Southern Maryland Give Camp has been live for over 2 weeks and we have 5 volunteers and 3 non-profits, this is really kind of sad. I have contacted all the local newspapers, local radio stations and the DC area television stations and not a single one has contacted me or given out our information. This is the first event like this on the East coast and I am having a difficult time getting the word out that this event is going to take place. We did get some good news this week, we got our first sponsor and we are really excited about receiving the software. So how am I going to get the word out about this event? How can I get the technology community excited about donating their time and talent? I am not afraid of hard work, but unless we get some momentum on this project we many need to cancel it….and I really don’t what to do that.

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