
Over the weekend of March 19th, 102 volunteers filtered through the doors of the William Schaeffer building down at St. Mary’s College. Why? The first East Coast givecamp. During this time we had over 50 developers working hard on 18 different local area nonprofits projects. Watching the projects come together at the end was extremely heartwarming. I watched teams seem to just slide along, with plenty of input from the nonprofits, and finish without issue and a very happy customer. I also saw some projects that had little input from the nonprofit struggle. After everything was over, I heard of one of these nonprofits getting very irate with the lead developer because of some little things that were not included….and I mean little things. The important thing that I would like to say is that 15 of the 18 projects were complete, this was big. I have had a little time to reflect on the weekend and even though I am pleased at overall outcome of the event, I must say there are things that can be improved on. I am going to wait til after our “Lesson Learned” session on Tuesday to see if what I think is what other’s are thinking. There are many “Thank you” that I need to send out and I am going to write thank you letters to all our sponsors.

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