So we are less then four weeks away from SoMDGC 2011, and to be honest we are very excited. Even though I am having difficulty finding those damn Harry Potter costumes, I am still working hard at find them before the event, that and a Henna Tattoo artist. Of course if I can’t find the artist I can always purchase a “Temp” tattoo, you know the ones that you put on your body with water, and should stay on for about two weeks. I might even order a few extra, just because.

As of the time of this writing, we have 47 technical volunteers, this is not enough to complete the work. We have 20 non-profits requesting help, and that does not include that “add ons” that I would like to give them – like some smart phone apps.

We are still looking for sponsors to help offset the costs associated to this event. Our biggest needs right now is a sponsor for drinks, yep those things that people are going to custom to keep them awake.

If you want to help, either as a sponsor or volunteer feel free to contact me @ contact at and ask me any question.

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