Due to some unforeseen circumstances; we are unable to hold our givecamp on the originally scheduled date of March 25 – 27. We have reschedule for one week later – to April 1 – 3, yes I can see that it will be on April fools day.

The decision to move the date was not an easy one, I understand that some people may not be able to attend, for what ever reason. It is my hope that we are announcing this change early enough that 95% of the people wanting to attend can make the necessary changes to still attend. For the other, possible, 5% I do apologize and hope that you will consider attending GiveCamp 2012.

On a more positive note; this weekend we are going to be meeting with the non-profits for the first time. We are going to start brain storming over their wants and needs and might even get something down in write. This information will then be put into a requirements document and then passed along to the development team for review.

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