Well, a few months ago I tweeted about a potential project. I believe it said something like, “I’ve been asked to be part of a Sharepoint project, should I accept or run” well come to find out I really did not have a choice I got put on the project anyway but not has a developer, I am the database architecture. Guess what, I have NEVER put a database together.

So I am attending meeting, and listening to the customers wants and needs. I soon realized that this project is a bit bigger then what Sharepoint is designed to do; but also realized that we HAD to use it.

So as a team we decided to build the application outside of Sharepoint and use some of it’s functionality. So, I am creating the database without Users or Users Roles; the tables (these properties are going to be inherited from SP). Once we have this information then we can figure out which elements the user has permission to.

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