Looks like I have not updated this thing in a LONG time. So I am hoping to use this blog spot as a place to write down and track my goals for 2015. Maybe add photos or the rides I am going to take this year 1) One of the things I have asked my Junior Programmer to do is write something about what they learned during the past week. I can’t really ask them to do it if I am not willing. So, I am going to post a weekly update on something I have learned. 2) Ride more. I think during the 2014 year I rode my bike once, once, that is very sad. It is a beautiful bike and is just sitting in the garage. This is unacceptable, so I am going to start lower this time and say 500 miles on the bike – that is less than 10 miles per week. 3) Finish my app. You may or may not be aware that I have an idea for an app. I have been working on it for way to long and it needs to be finished, at least the first release. 4) Volunteer some where. Over the past 5 years, I ran the Southern Maryland GiveCamp and last year we closed shop. We were looking for some place in DC but did not find anything, so I have to find a new way to give back. It’s a short list, but it is manageable, so here’s to looking forward – bring on 2015

0 Responses

  1. Best wishes! Seeing friends succeed with hoals jelps motivate others. I woll continue to follow and see how your doing. So what's your app about?
    Happy New Years to you, wishing you and your family all the best this year

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