I, like so many others, want to improve my health this year and the easiest way to do that is to eat better. Just about every healthy person I spoken to say that being healthy is 80% food and 20% exercise. Then they told me that the easiest thing to eat, because you can eat so much, fill up faster and not worry to much about calories (15 calories per serving) is romaine lettuce. Now I have been doing some gardening in the spring and summer, but I want to do something different. I want to use my basement as a growing area for the cool weather crops all year long. WP_20150201_001So, in the middle on January I put together a very small area, might be a 2x2x4, purchased some Panda Film and wrapped the structure. I understand it is not pretty and I might not have it as tight as some of the kits you can purchase, but I think it is working well enough. The inside of the structure is white which helps the 12v red/blue LED’s light reflect off the canvas making it bright insideWP_20150201_004. Now I did have to add the power connector and you can get something bigger and brighter, but this one I already had and the space was small enough that I was hoping that it would work. I was able to take a photo that I am hoping you’ll see how bright the inside can get. The most important thing to see are the results, after only 7 days both my Caesar and Romaine lettuces have germinated and my spinach is starting too as well. I don’t know if this is going to be successfulWP_20150201_005WP_20150201_008, but I think I have spent less than $50, and if I am able to harvest lettuce for months, I think it will be worth the start up cost. I am also thinking that if this is successful I am going to try other self pollinating veggies like peas and beans, and if I get real daring I could built one and add heat for things like tomatoes and other summertime veggies for the winter. But that is months away


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