As we continue to count down the days to the first Givecamp on the East coast I am getting more worried about the mistakes that are going to be made. I am not so foolish to believe that no mistakes are going to be made, but because this is the first one I guess I am trying to make it as prefect as possible. Today I received the tee-shirts and lanyards. The lanyards look really good but the shirt did not come out the way I wanted them to. I was hoping for the logo to be on the front of the shirt and they were printed on the back, I was hoping for full color and it’s only in black. Do not get me wrong, it looks really nice but these are the little things that I was hoping to avoid. I did get a 20% discount on the shirt because they were printed on the wrong side, so I guess that is one positive out of this.
I also received word today that the Fairfield Inn is going to let our out-of-town participates stay at their hotels for a price of $109.00 per night.

 I still need a few food sponsors for the event, but things are coming together.

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