Looks like I have not updated since, look like April. Bad Jim, very bad! To be honest, I have been working and looking at a project that I want to create at home. I am not going to say to much about it, because I am hoping to sell it. I have been working on a garden. I have 8 bell peppers, 3 jalapeno, 1 habanero, 4 squash, 4 cucumber, and 8 different tomato; I might have put to much in the raised bed. I need to finish the stairs, that I started three years ago, that connect our house deck to our pool deck.

We are planning a trip to Florida, going to see Micky and Minnie. We are also going on a day trip to Williamsburg and Bush Gardens.

The youngest is leaving elementary school, graduation is Thursday.

I hope that my next post is a little better, but I felt I need to post something!

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