WP_20130912_002Well, today (Sept 12th 2013) I am really feeling the weight gain. So much so I am afraid to get on the scale, but I can tell you my belly is 49” around the bellybutton. I am so out of physical shape that I am only starting with the very simple things. I found a 30 day push up challenge; but this one had you doing 20 push ups on the first day…I thought NOT. It just so happen they also had a wimp clause – They said 30 day EASY PUSH UP Challenge – so I took it. In addition to the easy push-up challenge, I am taking a 30 day planks challenge. I thought for sure that the first day was going to be easy – NOPE. 20 second plank and I was feeling the burn n the belly. I am going to try this and see what happens – it’s only 30 days, right?

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