I have a theory, ever New Years we make resolutions and – for most of us – we leave those resolutions on the side of the road around February. Just the word “Resolution” makes me believe that what I want to change is something wrong with me. Think about it, politicians make resolutions because they believe that the administration before them did it WRONG.  There maybe things I don’t like, about me, but that does not make them wrong. So this year I am not making resolutions, I am making goals (yes, I know it’s a play on words – but a goal is forward thinking, resolutions are backward thinking because it’s something I want to change from 2010)

So here are my GOALS in 2011:

1) Lose weight – I am ending 2010 weighing 255lbs, My goal is to lose between 5 – 10lbs per month and be 215lbs. 40lbs should not be unrealistic in 2011.

2) Less Debt- I am not going to say that I am going to be debt free, my goal is to have 10% less debt at the end of 2011 then I do today. Now 10% is not a lot, but it is when you include the mortgage. If we don’t include the mortgage I would like 65% gone.

3) Career – I would like to get my certification, as a MCTS. This means I have to study. So my goal is to study at least 3 hours a week to prep for the 70-515 exam.

4) Education – How can I continue to beat into my sons head – “You have to go to college if you want any type of success in this world!” – if I don’t have a Bachelor’s Degree, I do have an Associated but not the BS (yes I am full of BS, but I can’t hang that on the wall). So my goal is to start back up, fall of 2011, and get 9 more credit towards my degree.

5) Community (Technology) – My goal this year is the speak at 4 code camps, and maybe a couple of user groups with topics that would be attractive and engaging. I would also like to see the GiveCamp grow a little and have a few more technical people volunteer.

6) Community (non-technology) –This year my goal is to volunteer at 3 events that have impact on the community that I live in.

Take notice that the only time I mention 2010 is when I state my weight at the END of 2010. It make the term “goal” a little more realistic. So these are my goals for 2011, take some time today and write down your goals. It seems that when we write them down it adds more value to it  and may your 2011 be better then your 2010.

0 Responses

  1. You and I have similar goals.

    Being diagnosed as Type II diabetes, my doctor wants me to lose about fitty pounds.

    I'm also working on the educational front. I'm hoping to get signed up for a Master's program in Software Engineering. I have a Bachelor's, but that's in Comparative Religion. I'm planning on doing mine through a distance learning program through Regis University.

    I wish you much success in completing your goals!

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